How the World Changes When Everyone Works From Home

What happens when no one goes to the office anymore?

We are living through an historic time in the pandemic right now and in 10 years we’re going to look back and say this was the start of a major cultural change in working by proxy in the rest of our lives in how we live and where we live.

WORK-FROM-HOME FOREVER: What happens when no one commutes to the office anymore? The pandemic marks a turning point in global society and the start of a major cultural change in working remotely for the rest of our lives. How we live and where we work have changed.

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In 2019 I published an article called, “12 Ways the World Will Change When Everyone Works Remotely,” but I didn’t expect for any of the things I wrote about to happen for at least another ten years. However, the pandemic sped things up - big time. Overnight, search volume for “work from home” and “remote work” quadrupled as billions of people were sent into quarantine. The world will be much different from now on - but how?

In this podcast episode, we explore what happens in daily life when people emerge from lockdown and discuss the answers to questions you’re surely asking yourself, such as,

As long as you’re punching the clock in your 9-5, who cares where you are?

What if you lived somewhere else? - A different city or outside of your home country? 80% of people live in metropolitan areas but only 12% want to be there

“When you disconnect a place of work from a geographic location, then there’s no reason to live in that city anymore.” - Kristin

Should you be paid based on the value of the work you do or where you live?


When you add up all the remote workers and digital nomads, we are a force to be reckoned with. Forward-thinking governments are offering remote work incentives, like the new Digital Nomad Visas in Barbados and Estonia, while remote companies offer job perks like all-expenses paid retreats in countries from Malta to Mexico.

In addition, people will have the opportunity to work for themselves without going anywhere, and potentially make more money from home compared to commuting to an office.

As such, companies will have to compete for the best talent as well as against the opportunity cost for their employees to make more money working for themselves.”

In this episode, I explain:

  • What cities will look like when people work remotely permanently

  • How daily life will change

  • How the employer-employee relationship will change

  • How you might start getting paid in a different currency or a crypto currency

“It’s a fascinating look at a what-if scenario that is fast becoming more of a reality than a “what if we all work from home.”

“Teleworking has been possible for more than 50 years. The only thing that has blocked people from working remotely is company culture that’s resistant to change.”

“It’s going to be really hard to justify moving everyone back into the office and justifying that overhead.”

“We are living through an historic time in the pandemic right now and in 10 years we’re going to look back and say this was the start of a major cultural change in working by proxy in the rest of our lives in how we live and where we live.” - Guest

Why even though this abrupt transition to remote work may have been uncomfortable, it’s for the best.


  • What will cities look like when people work remotely?

  • Living during off-peak hours

  • Traffic patterns changing

  • How daily life transforms with remote work

  • How to save money and lower your cost-of-living by moving out of cities

  • How the balance of power will shift from employer to employee

  • How soon will this happen?

  • 80-99% of people who try remote working want to continue doing it and would recommend it to someone else.

  • How to become a digital “snowbird by” choice





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