What Can I Help You With?

Have a question, dilemma, or podcast topic request for Kristin? No time like the present to share your thoughts and ask for advice!

Each time that you ask me a question or request a topic, it makes me think deeper about it and check my work, verify my sources, and organize the information and the answers in a way that is going to be easy to understand, easy to act upon and implement, and be of value to you. And sometimes, that’s in the form of a story.
— Kristin Wilson

Kristin wants to hear from you! Fill out this short Google Form (only 4 questions) to share what you're struggling with and what you want to hear more of in the podcast.

Bonus: Respond by May 3, 2022 and register to win a free consultation with Kristin!


A special thank you to Kristin's Patrons: Walt, Shawn, Richard Y, Heather, Karen, Kiran, Scott, Michael J, Isaac, Mike M, Yasmine, Erick M, Yohji, Ron, Gary, Annie, Henry L, Keith, Stephen, Warren, James, Daniel, Gary B, Emily, Rich, Phil, Anthony, Jennifer, Kathleen, Dave B, Brian, Christopher, CJ, David G, Mike R, Chip, Shelly, Ron, Paul, Andy, Jeffrey, Paulo, Stephen, Michelle, DJ, Francis, Dave M, Carlos, and Ron


Become a Patron for $5/month at Patreon.com/travelingwithkristin


Special welcome to my newest Patrons, Karissa and Jim R! ❤️

Note: Badass Digital Nomads podcast descriptions may include affiliate links for our guests' products and services that we like, use, or want to support - at no additional cost to you :)