The One Thing 95% of Expats Are Missing

if american expats voted, could they swing elections?

No matter how far you run from the US, it’s still going to impact you.
— Nicole Greenfield


The number of U.S. expats living abroad is equivalent to being the 11th-largest state in the country. But barely 4% of us turn out to vote! Expats have the lowest voter turnout of any demographic in the United States - lower than high school students - and the same phenomena is probably happening in every country. If you're living outside of your home country right now (or planning to move abroad someday), this episode is a must-listen!

Tune in to hear from Nicole Greenfield, aka The Nomad Activist, a digital nomad and political activist who reached out to Kristin to speak about this topic and how we can change it.

Your vote matters. If every American expat voted, we would easily change the outcomes of current and future elections.

Vote absentee, vote early, and spread the word to your expat friends! Let’s make a change!

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Topics Discussed:

Why the US media doesn’t talk about expats not voting.

Why it’s still important to vote if you live abroad.

How politics impact travel and digital nomads.

The #1 easiest way to vote from abroad.

How digital nomads and expats can get involved and spread the word about voting.

Questions Answered:

What got you into political activism?

How do you practice activism as a full-time digital nomad?

Are American expats more liberal/Democrat or conservative/Republican?

What are the easiest ways to vote from abroad?

Can expats really sway election outcomes?


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