My Reflections on Two Years Since the Coronavirus Lockdowns (Surreal)

Kristin Shares Her Lessons Learned From 2 Years of Pandemic Lockdowns

One of the more positive things that I have gleamed during the pandemic is just really sensing how connected we all are even when we don’t leave our houses and I’ve come to observe how much life persists even during lockdowns. Even when the world seems to stop, it keeps going.
— Kristin Wilson

It's been two years since Covid-19 changed the world as we know it. Kristin reflects on what she's learned during this challenging and crazy time. She also explains how it's changed her outlook and deepened her understanding of the world - despite not having left home.

“Time is on the side of change.” – Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Episode 149 Special Offers: 


A special thank you to Kristin's Patrons: Walt, Shawn, Richard Y, Heather, Karen, Kiran, Scott, Michael J, Isaac, Mike M, Yasmine, Erick M, Yohji, Ron, Gary, Annie, Henry L, Keith, Stephen, Warren, James, Daniel, Gary B, Emily, Rich, Phil, Anthony, Jennifer, Kathleen, Natalie, Dave B, Brian, Christopher, CJ, David G, Mike R, Chip, Shelly, Ron, Paul, Andy, Jeffrey, Paulo, Stephen, Michelle, DJ, Francis, Dave M, and Carlos. 

Special welcome to our newest patrons, Carlos Aiach and Ron Sokol! ❤️

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