Is It Possible To Fully Integrate With a Foreign Culture?

Let’s Explore the Fascinating Story of a Famous Chef Who Moved to Japan…

If you don’t look local in the place that you’re living and you’re walking on the street, no one’s gonna think that you’re a local, even if you’re fluent in the language, even if you’ve lived there for 10 years, like you’re just gonna look different. But what’s important and what cultural integration is all about is your inner circle of people whose lives you touch. Who do you get to know in those countries and how do you impact them? How do they impact you?
— Kristin Wilson

Do you ever really fit in with the locals in a foreign country? Kristin explores the answer to this question through the fascinating story of a famous chef who moved to Japan (and what happened next).  

Note: This episode includes some profanity.

Episode 152 Special Offers: 


A special thank you to Kristin's Patrons: Walt, Shawn, Richard Y, Heather, Karen, Kiran, Scott, Michael J, Isaac, Mike M, Yasmine, Erick M, Yohji, Ron, Gary, Annie, Henry L, Keith, Stephen, Warren, James, Daniel, Gary B, Emily, Rich, Phil, Anthony, Jennifer, Kathleen, Dave B, Brian, Christopher, CJ, David G, Mike R, Chip, Shelly, Ron, Paul, Andy, Jeffrey, Paulo, Stephen, Michelle, DJ, Francis, Dave M, Carlos, and Ron

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