How To Become a Digital Nomad for Dummies

Special Announcement:

Digital Nomads for Dummies is NOW AVAILABLE for pre-order! 

This book will have everything that I’ve learned in 20 years of traveling the world and working from anywhere all brought together in one handy book that you can flip to a page and find the information that you need without having to Google stuff for hours.
— Kristin Wilson

Digital Nomads for Dummies is NOW AVAILABLE for pre-order! 

Tune in to get a sneak preview of Kristin's first book, Digital Nomads for Dummies, and how to pre-order. 


A special thank you to Kristin's Patrons: Walt, Shawn, Richard Y, Heather, Karen, Kiran, Scott, Michael J, Isaac, Mike M, Yasmine, Erick M, Yohji, Ron, Gary, Annie, Henry L, Keith, Stephen, Warren, James, Daniel, Gary B, Emily, Rich, Phil, Anthony, Jennifer, Kathleen, Natalie, Dave B, Brian, Christopher, CJ, David G, Mike R, Chip, Shelly, Ron, Paul, Andy, Jeffrey, Paulo, Stephen, Michelle, DJ, Francis, Dave M, and Carlos. 

Special welcome to Carlos Aiach and Ron Sokol, our newest patrons from February! ❤️

Become a Patron for $5/month at

Note: Badass Digital Nomads podcast descriptions may include affiliate links for our guests' products and services that we like, use, or want to support - at no additional cost to you :)