Building Online Income Streams From Real Estate, Stock Photography, and Travel Blogging

How to Build Online Income Streams From Real Estate, Stock Photography, and Travel Blogging

Going where you want to go is very nice… I’ve enjoyed every aspect of it. The biggest thing for me was I really wanted to have a chance to go to other places where there’s like-minded people and where we can have these experiences… where we can do skillshares and help each other out and improve whatever you’re doing.
— The Wandering Hartz

Digital nomad couple, The Wandering Hartz, share their experience becoming location independent for the first time and moving from Nashville, Tennessee to Bansko, Bulgaria.

Prior to selling everything to begin working remotely, Michelle worked in commercial real estate and Joel worked in film production. With a newfound freedom after Michelle was laid off, they hit the road to explore the world.

Tune in to learn how they became digital nomads, tips for making a low stress transition to location independence, and how they’re generating online income streams from stock photography, travel blogging, and more.

Episode 183 Special Offers: 


  • The benefits of living and working remotely in Bansko, Bulgaria as a digital nomad.

  • How to generate online income streams from Stock Photography and Videography, Travel Blogging, and Real Estate.

  • The power of time and patience in growing your income.

  • Tips for selling all your belongings.

  • How their first trip as digital nomads went awry.

  • Navigating medical issues and health insurance as digital nomads in the US.

  • The benefits of practicing slow travel.

  • Finding a work/life balance while traveling full-time.


  • What kind of remote work are you doing?

  • How do you find freelance jobs?

  • Do you make more money selling stock photos or stock videos?

  • What stock photos and clips sell the best?

  • How much do stock video clips sell for?

  • What is the hardest part of being a digital nomad?

  • How many foreigners are currently living in Bansko, Bulgaria?

  • What gear do you travel with as a photographer/videographer?

  • And more!


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