From 9-5 Call Center to Online Entrepreneur with Facebook Ads Expert Gavin Bell
Gavin Bell is serious about how running your own online business can help you have more fun and freedom in life!
Location-independent entrepreneur, Gavin Bell, also known as “Scotland’s Casey Niestat,” worked full-time at a call center while working on his side hustle and teaching himself online marketing in his free time.
After humble beginnings helping personal trainers with their Instagram profiles, he’s now a successful online business owner, public speaker, content creator, and Facebook Ads and funnels expert.
Gavin frequently takes to his Instagram account and YouTube channel to speak out about how the 9-to-5 is over! He is a passionate and an outspoken proponent of entrepreneurship and remote work who shares tons of value (and laughs) on this episode of Badass Digital Nomads..
we cover:
How Gavin went from a broke call center employee to a successful online entrepreneur and what he learned along the way
Why the 9-5 is officially dead and what you need to know to succeed in the remote economy
How to tell how much you’re worth to the company you work for (HINT: It’s way more than your salary.)
What online business owners and solopreneurs need to know about social media so they stop wasting money on Facebook ads
How to tell if vanity metrics are ruining your online business
Why you DON’T have to work for yourself just to work from home
Why it’s okay NOT to travel if you’re a digital nomad
When and if you should use video in your online business
Why Gavin stopped publishing travel videos on YouTube to focus on creating content for his core target market, purposely giving up millions of views to reach hundreds of people instead
Much more!
Take Your Social Media Game to the Next Level with Gavin’s Help
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