Finding a Remote Job with Remote Career Coach, Kanika Tolver

How to Find a Remote Job in 2019-2020

Kristin Wilson and Kanika Tolver Talk Remote Jobs

Kristin Wilson and Kanika Tolver Talk Remote Jobs

Interview with Remote Career Coach

If you're interested in quitting your job, changing careers, working from home, or becoming a digital nomad, this episode is for you!

You’ll learn:

• Why people are so unhappy and stressed in their 9-5 jobs and what they can do about it

• Why you DON'T need any technical skills to work remotely online

• How to re-invent yourself and your career when changing from a traditional job to a remote job

• What to do if you have NO IDEA what you want to do as a remote career

• Where to find the best work-from-home and remote jobs in 2019 • The main skills remote employers are looking for in remote job candidates

• Underrated places and strategies to find remote jobs and which remote job sites are a waste of time

• What to put on your resume and LinkedIn profile to stand out to remote recruiters and remote employers

• Which tech tools and apps you need to work remotely

• How to leverage your existing skillset and experience to find the best remote jobs for your interests, talents, and passions

• Why you don’t have to wait for permission to transition to a remote job

• How Kanika quit her job and why she will ONLY apply for remote jobs from now on

Connect with Kanika here.

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This episode's guest is author, speaker, career coach, and IT Product Manager, Kanika Tolver. If you're interested in quitting your job, changing careers, working from home, or becoming a digital nomad, this episode is for you!

Watch the full interview on YouTube: