6 Ways To Become a Digital Nomad

The Most Six Common Ways to Become a Digital Nomad and Achieve Location Independence

Being a digital nomad is about having the freedom and flexibility to be able to pack up and go whenever you want wherever you want and not having to ask permission - because your work is your laptop. - Kristin Wilson

This podcast shares the six most common ways to become a digital nomad - giving you ideas for the different types of remote jobs, online business models, and revenue sources that can help you become location independent.

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This podcast shares the six most common ways to become a digital nomad - giving you ideas for the different types of remote jobs, online business models, and revenue sources that can help you become location independent.  

Making money online doesn't automatically turn you into a digital nomad, but it does give you the freedom to be able to live and work from anywhere in the world. The beautiful thing about the digital nomad lifestyle is that there are no rules - you get to design your life in a way that works for you. So if you decide you want to spend the winter on the beaches of Mexico or skiing in the French Alps, it's up to you!  

“There are no rules. - Even if it seems far-fetched for you to make money from home or start traveling and working remotely as a digital nomad, things can happen fast. If this episode plants the seed for you to follow your dreams and start traveling more in the future, then I’ll be doing my job.” - Kristin


  • The six most common ways to become a digital nomad

  • How to create financial freedom by having more than one revenue stream

  • How I became a digital nomad

  • How much money you need to become a digital nomad





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